Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

[Trans] Sons of the Sun - Key wasn’t allowed to see David Guetta!

[Taemin’s POV]
Key: David Guetta! I really like this person! When is this? Whoa it’s the night before our leaving day! I certainly will go, don’t stop me, I certainly say I’ll go! 

So, our last day, was the day when David Guetta, which is called as legend of DJ’s performance at the club. Key-hyung and I were very excited. But, we were detained at the entrance gate. 

Girl in the front: Shorts are not allowed!

Then, Key-hyung took away Manager-hyung’s clothes and put it on on him. 

Key: Is it allowed this time?
Girl in the front: No, these shoes aren’t allowed! 

He then put on Manager-hyung’s shoes.

Key: Here’s the entrance fee!
Girl in the front: No, this t-shirt isn’t allowed!
Key: What did you say? 

Key hyung was about to cry, honestly we just laughed and giggled at (that expression) him.
At the end, we just laid on the beach sand and gazed at the night sky.
Key hyung didn’t say anything.
Ah, don’t be sad! Hyung! Next time, we’ll certainly can see David Guetta!
That time, we’ll certainly see him!

[Taemin’s POV]

Key: David Guetta! Aku benar" menyukai org ini! Kapan itu? whoa Itu diadakan saat malam sebelum hari kepulangan kita! Aku tentunya harus pergi, jangan hentikan aku, Ak katakan aku akan pergi!
Jadi, hari terakhir kita, adl hari saat David Guetta, yg merupakan legenda perform DJ di club. Key-hyung dan aku sangat tertarik. Tapi, kami ditahan di gerbang masuk.

Wanita yg di depan: Celana pendek tidak diperbolehkan!

Lalu, Key-hyung mengambil pakaian Manajer-hyung dan memakainya.

Key: Apakah sekarng diperbolehkan?
Wanita yg di depan: Tidak, sepatu ini tidak diperbolehkan!

Lalu dia memakai sepatu Manajer-hyung.

Key: Ini biaya masuknya!
Wanita yg di depan: Tidak, kaos ini tidak diperbolehkan!
Key: Apa yg kau katakan?

Key-hyung ingin menangis, jujur kami hanya tertawa dan tertawa melihat (ekspresi) dia.

Pada akhirnya, kita hanya berbaring di pasir pantai dan menatap langit malam.
Key-hyung tidak berkata apapun.
Ah, jangan sedih! Hyung! Lain waktu. kita pasti akan melihat David Guetta!
Pada waktunya, kita pasti akan melihatnya!

Credit: SHINee Forums International (  via: dkpopnews
Eng Trans: minhogoon@Livejournal, Weibo
Indo Trans: 

INFINITE’s “She’s Back” originally SHINee’s song

The composer of INFINITE’s She’s Back has been revealed.

originally the composer had given this song to sm ent. and it was chosen to go to SHINee.

So, the song was in SHINee’s “Lucifer” album (already recorded)

They had a quick conference and they said that She’s Back didn’t match their “Lucifer” album concept.

The feeling of the song itself had a boyish feel and cool atmosphere (while lucifer had a darker feel) so they decided to leave it out.

So the song was out, then it was given to Infinite

The composer, although dissapointed that the song couldn’t be part of SHINee’s album “Lucifer”, said that infinite did a great job in making the song lively and thanked them.

[indo trans] 

Lagu Infinite yg berjudul "She's back" itu sebenarnya sudah diberikan oleh komposernya (lagu itu) ke SM Ent. dan yg dipilih adalah SHINee

Jd lagu itu ada di Album Lucifer SHINee (sudah dicatat)
Mreka segera mengadakan konferensi dan mreka bilang bahwa She's Back tidak cocok dg konsep album "Lucifer"

Rasa dr lagu itu sendiri lebih boyish (ke laki"an) dan suasana yg keren (sementara Lucifer memiliki suasana yg gelap) jadi mreka memutuskan u/ meninggalkan lagu itu

Jadi lagu itu sudah keluar, lalu diberikan ke Infinite

Komposernya, meskipun kecewa bahwa lagu itu tidak bisa menjadi bagian dari album SHINee "Lucifer", berkata bahwa Infinite melakukan pekerjaan besar dalam membuat lagu itu menjadi hidup dan mengucapkan terima kasih.
via: shineeattackofc
indo trans:

SHINee @ MBC Gayo 111231

Click for original size !!

cr: 718gram, beautiful days, Cherish, COSMICAA, Cuzonew, DC, Glamorous91, KEYSTHEMOON,, LUZ CONTROL, masterpiece, MINHONEY, moscodic, myfairy, OIAM, ONEW SIDE, Onewsama, PRIDE J, Smile Heart.★, something special, Splendid, sweet sound, TAEMTREE, THEMINHO